Eco Friendly Village Life

A stay at Shantivana is a truly unique way to relax and unwind in our peaceful and unspoiled heaven. Enjoy our home grown produce freshly cooked as you sample gourmet traditional Havyaka food and join the professional chefs in our state-of-the-art kitchen in informal learn-to-cook sessions.

Ours is a working farm, run on organic and eco principles, where you will not only be welcomed by the warmest of Malenadu family, but will also be able to help the local community and the planet. Our water is heated with herbals, vegetables grown with home-made compost, chickens and goats fed on vegetable waste and methane from our cows manure is recovered to provide gas for cooking.



Forest Walk @ Sirsi Rain Forest
Western ghats of India – World Heritage Site.

One of the Special program that we offer is a walk in the rain forest, that keeps many surprises for you ! The walk refreshes your mind and body alike. The two hour walk through the forest and back through the areca farm is a amazing experience at Shantivana.


Swimming in the River Shalmala, Western ghats
Pure & hygienic river  with ancient history and positive energy

A rare experience at Shantivana is a swim in the river. The water here is safe and clean. It may be the only place in India where a swim in the river is possible. The river carries no waste, or sewage as it is coming from the hills. You can swim as long as you want in the river surrounded by forest on all sides.


Birding in Western ghats

Shantivana is rich with a lot of bird’s life. One will be able to see about a hundred varieties of birds including many endemic species, a birding enthusiast reports in his blog that he saw twenty two varieties of birds while sitting on a bench by the river side for an hour.

Photographic Holidays @ Western ghats

Shantivana is rich with natural beauty and is ideal for nature photography. Many of the pictures on this web site are taken by our esteemed guests. You could come either alone or in groups to enjoy a photographic holiday.